The response from pilots who have used the Hall Brothers TOL Vortex Generators has been very positive! Lower stall speed, better climb, reduced takeoff and landing distances are some of the improvements that have been reported. Surprisingly, some of the greatest benefits are the improved handling characteristics and "feel" of the airplane in the normal speed ranges.
Hall STOL Vortex Generators were designed and tested in a wind tunnel as well as on various experimental aircraft. In the wind tunnel, many different shapes and angles were tried before reaching this optimum design.
Made from .025 6061-T6 aluminum, they are formed in pairs so that the shape and angles are built right in. They are curved to fit the wing as part of the manufacturing process. This Makes them easier to install as they only need to be spaced out along a straight line. Also, they can be temporarily attached to the wing with tape for testing without harming the wing surface and then moved or attached permanently. This temporary attachment capability allows pilots to prove out their effectiveness before permanent attachment. The design also gives a generous surface area for bonding.
Hall Brothers STOL Vortex Generator kit includes enough Vortex Generators for a typical homebuilt wing and horizontal stabilizer (46 pair curved and 16 pair flat). The kit also includes tape for temporary attachment, adhesive for permanent attachment and detailed instructions.
We have every confidence that you will be very happy with your Hall Brothers Vortex Generator kit. If you are not satisfied, you may return the kit within 30 days for a full refund.
DISCLAIMER: Because these Vortex Generators are used for experimental aircraft and because we have no control over their installation or use, Hall Brothers Manufacturing Company assumes no liability for any damage or injury caused by their use. Flying experimental aircraft can be dangerous. You could be injured or die. Please use caution! By purchasing these, you agree to the terms of this disclaimer.